Alandar Coaching, creator of value, harmony and performance for your success

Your Partner Alandar

"The greatness of a profession is perhaps, above all, to unite men: there is only one real luxury, and it is that of Human Relationships. " (Antoine de Saint Exupéry)

Your Company is defined above all by the men and women who make it thrive. The promotion of this Human Potential is a key element in the sustainability of your Company.

In times of change, crisis or consolidation, decisions must be made quickly and efficiently.

Alandar supports you in this sensitive approach, while respecting your values and your vision of excellence in order to harmonize and maximize this Human Potential turned towards a common objective, the Raison d'Être of your Company.

Your success through introspection and action

 "To make a decision you have to be an odd number of people, and three is already too many." (Georges Clemenceau)  

Being a manager often rhymes with loneliness when critical situations happen. An external and neutral support like coaching will help you take a step back and then go into action wisely. Then you may turn your stress into motivation, bad feelings into serenity and bottlenecks into opportunities.

Free the leader you are!

Personal Development through introspection and action

 "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." (Aristotle)  

You have been promoted to a new position, you are looking for meaning in your work, you feel burnout is approaching, you need to manage a difficult situation?

Whatever your difficulty, you do have the solutions in your mind, Alandar Coaching provides your with the right keys.

Take action now to further develop!

To flourish, genuinely

 "Do not let anything go in the gestures, the language, the situations which attack your dignity, never resign yourself." (Gisèle Halimi)  

Mother or profesional? Beautiful or intelligent? Desired or respected? Assumed or provocative? Dynamic or hysterical?

And the list goes on...

If you ever had to answer to at least to one of those questions, and if you felt threatened and impacted by it, it is time to react. Coaching sessions will guide you towards the fulfillment of the woman you are in the Business World.


Support today your leaders of tomorrow

 "He who does not improve every day, steps back every day." (Confucius)  

You just welcomed in your Company a rough gemstone. How to polish it efficiently to make it shine on the long run?

Long term Coaching is a wining investment to get the best out of such High Potentiel recruitments.

Welcoming, transmitting and co-constructing

 "Luke, when I'm gone, the last of the Jedi you will be." (Master Yoda, Star Wars)  

Following the example of the Yoda and Luke Skywalker pair, you realize that an intergenerational team is precious for your Company. It not only allows to capitalize and transmit experiences, values, expertise... but it also permits to enrich today's practices to adapt for the future.

For this modern Jedis duo to be fuitful, united and free from the dark side of the Force, Coaching is one of the solutions. 

May the Force be with you!

Nurture yourself to grow further and better

 "When a man is hungry, it is better to teach him to fish than to give him a fish." (Confucius)  

When a Company invsests in trainings for its teams, it provides to the participants a personal development dynamic that will contribute to the future success.

Leadership and Resilience

Distance Leadership

Human Logics, cracking the code of Human Behavior

Cure "acute meeting disease

Let's build the best possible future with your teams!

Collective intelligence and creativity

 "You tell me, I forget. You teach me, I remember. You involve me, I learn." (Benjamin Franklin)  

The participants will experience the powerful collective intelligence process, with unlimited creativity and energy.

The "Why" or Raison d'Être of your Company

Creativity circle workshop "Draw me a..."

Profesional Practice Analysis workshop

Challenging the collective power

Let's enjoy being part of a brilliant team!

Activities to create impact

 "Never do an action for only one good reason but for several." (Sophie Rodriguez)  

You run out of ideas for impactful seminars? Are you looking for inspiration to make these team moments unforgettable while conveying your vision of the future and your values?

Alandar Coaching has some answers, and each can be adaptable to your specific Company needs:

Escape Game "Let's find thr key"

DIY Team cohesion

Leadership and equi-coaching, a unique experience

Request for the useful, we will make it memorable as well.

Recruit with confidence

Do you need to recruit as part of a replacement, restructuring or growth? How to find this five-legged sheep quickly?

Successful recruitment requires resources, specific skills, a holistic understanding of the profile  and of the Company's values.

The proposed support is flexible enough to meet your needs and requirements: from the definition of the position to the reception of the recruited candidate in your Company.

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